Uncanny Ideologies in the Art of Navid Nuur
Professor James Williams gave a talk at Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) on 17th April 2014 to accompany the exhibition of work by Navid Nuur. The transcript of his talk is available to download here.
Professor James Williams gave a talk at Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) on 17th April 2014 to accompany the exhibition of work by Navid Nuur. The transcript of his talk is available to download here.
Professor James Williams will be one of the keynote speakers at a conference in Hong Kong next month – ‘Deleuze’s Cultural Encounters with the New Humanities’. Running from 9th to 12th June 2014, the conference has been organised by the Department of English Language & Literature, Technoscience Culture Research and Development Centre, at the Hong Kong …
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Professor James Williams will be giving a series of talks in Paris in April and May 2014. The next talk on May 14th will be on ‘Duchamp transformations and the refinement of feedback by continental philosophy (with some examples from David Foster Wallace)’, at a workshop on ‘Machine and the five senses’, part of a …
7-8 May 2014 Acinemas Conference Acinemas: Aesthetics and Film in the Philosophy of Jean-François Lyotard. Visit the website