About Us

Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy

at the University of Dundee

The Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy is a Research Centre based in the School of Humanities at the University of Dundee. It brings together academics from Scotland, the UK, and the wider world to form a hub of research on continental philosophy in Scotland. It aims to foster the study of continental philosophy in all its historical and contemporary forms and to make connections to other philosophical traditions and academic disciplines.

The Centre organises conferences, workshops and seminars. It brings together researchers and students interested in historical figures and contemporary debates. The Centre also connects to work in philosophy and the arts through its degree programme in Art and Philosophy and through research degrees in continental philosophy and the Art and Humanities MFA at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design.

We have international links and current research programmes with Paris 8, Deakin University and the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy, the Association for Continental Philosophy of Religion, and the Australasian Society of Continental Philosophy. The Centre has Erasmus links with Freiburg, Grenoble, Turin, Ostrava, Tilburg and Bilkent.


Associate Members

University of Kent

University of Aberdeen

  • Prof. Nino Gaetano

     University of Turin

  • Dr. Gillian Smith

     University of Dundee

     St Andrews University

    University of Dundee

    University of Dundee

     Paris 8

     Paris 8

     Paris 8

     Vrije Universiteit Brussel

     Wizo Design Academy

     University of Madrid

      University of St. Andrews

    University Of Edinburgh

      University of Dundee

    University of Edinburgh

  •  Dr. Brian Smith

      Alumnus, UoD

  • Thomas Ciucelis

      Alumnus, MLitt UoD

  • Ian Haywood