Deleuze, Guattari and the Scottish independence referendum

Professor James Williams writes: I have been asked recently by students in Dundee and while travelling to conferences abroad how support for Scottish independence can be politically progressive, in the sense of a search for a better society for all on an egalitarian basis. The background to the query stems from my claim that Deleuze …

Lyotard’s Aesthetics in Melbourne

Dr Ashley Woodward is presenting a lecture course on “Lyotard’s Aesthetics” at the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy in July. You can read about his contribution to their Winter School at  


Paradox: a composite of the Greek ‘para’ (against or beyond) and ‘doxa’ (common belief or opinion); a paradox, informally, is a statement that goes against or beyond common sense; ‘this statement is a lie’ is a famous example of a paradox.

Deleuze conference in Hong Kong , 9-12 June 2014

Professor James Williams will be one of the keynote speakers at a conference in Hong Kong next month – ‘Deleuze’s Cultural Encounters with the New Humanities’.  Running from 9th to 12th June 2014, the conference has been organised by the Department of English Language & Literature, Technoscience Culture Research and Development Centre, at the Hong Kong …