Nicholas Davey ‘On the Virtues of Subjectivism’

Nicholas Davey (Professor Emeritus, University of Dundee) 4:30pm, Wednesday 4 December Dalhousie Building, Room 2F15, University of Dundee A seminar for the Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy. Funded by the Royal Institute of Philosophy. All welcome. Link for online streaming on Teams: Abstract Unless hermeneutical thinking can establish a robust philosophical justification for what is …

Information and Its Support: The Simondon-Stiegler Controversy

Ashley Woodward (University of Dundee)

4:30-6:00pm, Wednesday October 30

Dalhousie 2F15

All welcome!

The notion of information has had an uncomfortable place in the reception of Gilbert Simondon’s work. While clearly being central to his thought, many interpreters have largely ignored or side-lined it. In some of his last writings, Bernard Stiegler, one of Simondon’s most illustrious inheritors, directly attacked Simondon’s notion of information. This paper aims to unpack and address this criticism. The crux of Stiegler’s critique is that Simondon implies an idea of information independent of any support. According to Stiegler, the ultimate implication is that Simondon’s notion of information does not allow us to account for the inherent dangers of calculative information theory  which have led to all the problems of contemporary computational capitalism. The paper offers a qualified defence of Simondon’s notion of information.

Ashley Woodward is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Dundee. His research project Transforming Information excavates the history of philosophy of information in neglected traditions with an eye to contemporary problems.

Dominic Smith on Walter Benjamin

Programme without Transmission: On the Translatability of Benjamin’s Radio Work Dominic Smith (University of Dundee) 5-6:30pm, Wednesday October 9 Dalhousie 2F15 This presentation argues for the strong contemporary relevance of Walter Benjamin’s radio work (1927-1933), despite 1.) his low opinion of it as a means of subsistence (Rosenthal 2014: xvii), and 2.) the fact that …

Philosophy Seminar

GREGORY CAJETE Interdependence and the Creative Process: An Indigenous Perspective Wed 25 Sep, 4.30 – 6pm, all welcome Dalhousie Building, 3G02 Lecture Theatre 1 The Indigenous worldview is rooted in a pan-species epistemology. It cultivates axiological relationships of humans to the natural world through an inclusive taxonomy of ‘being alive’ where everything – plants, rocks, …

new journal issue: parrhesia 39

Parrhesia is open access and may be read freely online:  The editors of parrhesia: a journal of critical philosophy are pleased to announce the publication of issue 39, featuring new translations of Michel Foucault and Raymond Ruyer, a chapter from Bill Ross’ book Order and the Virtual, a review of Gilbert Simondon’s Imagination and Invention, and articles on Spinoza, …

Prof Madlen Dolar on “Hontology”, May 19

Dear all, the University of Dundee Philosophy Speaker Series supported by the Royal Institute of Philosophy will continue in May with a final major events of the year: Prof Mladen Dolar will give a lecture on “On Hontology” on the 19th of May at 4pm. He will give a in person only workshop on related …

Etienne Balibar / Michael Heinrich (26.4-28.4)

Dear all, the University of Dundee Philosophy Speaker Series supported by the Royal Institute of Philosophy will continue at the end of April with two major events and there are still places you can register for: — Prof Etienne Balibar will give his first lecture in Scotland ever on “The Future of Racism” on the …

Raymond Ruyer Test Drives a Tesla

Author: Ashley Woodward Recently it seems that everyone has been jumping on the AI bandwagon. The French philosopher Raymond Ruyer (1902-1987) made a pretty good head start when, in 1954, he published his book Cybernetics and the Origin of Information. The term Artificial Intelligence had not even been invented yet (that came in 1956), but …

New issue of Parrhesia published

The editors of Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy are pleased to announce the publication of issue 37. Parrhesia is part of Open Humanities Press, and can be freely accessed online. Full issue here. Contents Features Mary Graham The Law of Obligation, Aboriginal Ethics: Australia Becoming, Australia Dreaming PDF Marcel Gauchet; trans. Natalie J. Doyle …

Prof David Wills on “Spoonful: The Dorsal Deconstruction of Eroticism”

Dear all, We will continue the Dundee philosophy speaker series this Wednesday, the 8th of March, with an online event with Prof David Wills (Brown University). David will give a talk entitled “Spoonful: The Dorsal Deconstruction of Eroticism” (scroll down for an abstract) The event will take place at 4pm through Zoom. For the link, …