Seminar Series

The Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy is pleased to announce its research seminar series for 2024-25.

Sponsored by the Royal Institute of Philosophy.

Unless otherwise indicated, seminars are held 4:00 – 5:30pm Wednesdays, both in person (Room 2F15, Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee) and online (access links will be posted below). All welcome, and no need to book.

25 Sept  Gregory Cajete (University of New Mexico), ‘Native Science and the Laws of Interdependence’                       

9 Oct  Dominic Smith (University of Dundee), ‘Programme without Transmission: The Translatability of Benjamin’s Radio Work.’ 

30 Oct Ashley Woodward (University of Dundee), ‘Information and Its Supports: The Stiegler-Simondon Controversy’ 

4 Nov Michael Marder (University of the Basque Country), ‘Seed Energies’

4 Dec Nicholas Davey (University of Dundee, Emeritus), ‘On the Virtues of Subjectivism’

22 Jan Didier Debaise (Free University of Bruxelles), ‘Thinking the Earth. Geophilosophy from Deleuze and Guattari to Latour’

16.00-17.30 Dalhousie 2F15

Streamed live on Teams here.

29 Jan Xin Wei Sha (Arizona State University), Title TBC

4:30 – 6:00 Dalhousie Building Lecture Theatre 2

26 Feb Oisin Keohane (University of Dundee), To be rescheduled

12 March Yuk Hui (Erasmus University Rotterdam), ‘After Organic Form’

16.00-17.30 Dalhousie 2F15

Streamed live on Teams here.

26 March Michael Halewood (University of Essex), ‘Relativity, Metaphysics and Morality: Some Thoughts from Whitehead and Dewey’

23 April   Thomas Nail (University of Denver), ‘The Birth of Form’

10 May Peter Szendzy (Brown University), Title TBC