We are pleased to announce the new Philosophy Speaker series.
The online events are the following:
26.01., 5-7pm: Monique David-Ménard (Paris): “Animism of the owners, animism of the poor. How are we today to read Marx’s texts on Property, 1842“
23.2., 4-6pm: Slavoj Žižek, Agon Hamza, Frank Ruda (Ljubljana, Tirana, Dundee): Book Presentation of Reading Hegel (Polity 2021), moderated by Dominic Smith
23.2., 4-6pm: Roberto Nigro (Luneburg): tba
16.3., 4-6pm: Lee Braver (South Florida): ”Nothing Matters: Heidegger on Nietzsche on Nihilism”
30.3., 4-6pm Emily Apter (NYU):”Translating Ecosophie: Towards a Vocabulary of Climate Justice”
13.4., 4pm: Tina Röck (Dundee) and Lee Braver (South Florida): Book launch for Dynamic Realism. Uncovering the Reality of Becoming through Phenomenology and Process Philosophy (Edinburgh University Press, 2021) by Tina Röck
4.5., 4-6pm: Rebecca Comay (Toronto): ”Lumpendialektik” (online & on-campus event)
The event will be held through Zoom. To register, email Frank Ruda: f.ruda@dunAll events will be held through Zoom. To register, email f.ruda@dundee.ac.uk.