Prof David Wills on “Spoonful: The Dorsal Deconstruction of Eroticism”

Dear all, We will continue the Dundee philosophy speaker series this Wednesday, the 8th of March, with an online event with Prof David Wills (Brown University). David will give a talk entitled “Spoonful: The Dorsal Deconstruction of Eroticism” (scroll down for an abstract) The event will take place at 4pm through Zoom. For the link, …

Anonymity/Transparency: Millennials and Gen Z Clash over Harry Potter

If you are one of those people who browse Tik Tok at every lunch break, enjoying the ‘sped up’ versions of forgotten hits and trying to reproduce some dance moves when nobody is watching, you may have heard about the feud between Millennials and Gen Z. The feud is inoffensive, really, and mostly humorous. But …