Last week saw completion of phase two of this year’s Localising Philosophy project on ‘Transitions’.
Phase one (24th May – 1st June) saw us conduct on-site workshops with P7s at four local primary schools, exploring two big questions: ‘why do things change?’ and ‘how do we connect today?’
Phase two took place last week (6-10th June) and culminated in on-site workshops with the P7s in their new guise as secondary pupils visiting Morgan Academy for the first time (images of workshops and team meeting with Morgan Academy Head Teacher Johnny Lothian below). We worked with c. 250 pupils and their teachers across the whole project.
Localising Philosophy is co-led by Dr Dominic Smith (Philosophy) and Dr Anna Robb (Education). We use art and philosophy to approach big philosophical questions that our partners are encountering as challenges. Besides having impact/engagement components, the project acts as an employability platform for Philosophy students.
Full details here: