Philosophy Speaker Series Spring 2023

This semester, we are pleased to announce the new Philosophy Speaker series.Events will take place on campus and will be regularly advertised on our Facebook Page or Twitter. Stay tuned! *Abstracts and title to be announced in due course on social media. 19.01., 4pm: Stella Sandford (Kingston University) 25.1., 4pm 30.11., 4pm: Havi Carel (Bristol University) 15.03., 4pm Michael Heinrich (Berlin) 10.04., …

Philosophy Speaker series Fall 2022

This semester, we are pleased to announce the new Philosophy Speaker series.Events will take place on campus and will be regularly advertised on our Facebook Page or Twitter. Stay tuned! 19.10.2022, 4pm Rebecca Carson (London) “Immanent Externalities: The Reproduction of Life in Capital” (in Dalhousie 1F09) 26.10., 4pm: Roberto Nigro (Luneburg) – Discomfort in Contemporary Philosophy: The Italian Operaism and …

Philosophy Speaker Series

We are pleased to announce the new Philosophy Speaker series. The online events are the following: 26.01., 5-7pm: Monique David-Ménard (Paris): “Animism of the owners, animism of the poor. How are we today to read Marx’s texts on Property, 1842“ 23.2., 4-6pm: Slavoj Žižek, Agon Hamza, Frank Ruda (Ljubljana, Tirana, Dundee): Book Presentation of Reading Hegel (Polity 2021), moderated by …

Speaker series – The Royal Institute of Philosophy University of Dundee

We are pleased to announce The Royal Institute of Philosophy University of Dundee Speaker series. The online events are the following: 06.10., 4-6pm: Geoffrey Bennington (Emory): “Kicking and Screaming” 20.10., 6-8pm: Alberto Toscano (Goldsmith / Simon Fraser University): “Fascism and the Politics of Abstraction” 03.11., 2-4pm: Claire Colebrook (Pennsylvania): tba 17.11., 5-7pm: Todd McGowan (Vermont): …


Philosophy Speaker Series!

We are pleased to announce two online events that are going to take place in this term’s philosophy speaker series: “More Real Than Real: Truth and Authenticity in Psychoanalysis” by Patricia Gherovici, from the University of Philadelphia, is taking place on the 13th of January at 4PM. “The Mute Animal. Adorno’s Rhinoceros” by Alexander Garcia Dütmann, from the …


Philosophy Speaker Series!

We are pleased to announce three online events that are going to take place in this term’s philosophy speaker series. We will have Andrew Cutrofello from Loyola University, Chicago as our first speaker, giving a lecture on the 28th of October on “Was it for this?” Brandom, Hegel, Wordsworth, Zizek, and the Terror. We will continue with Peggy Kamuf from the University of Southern California on …