Philosophy Speaker Series

We are pleased to announce the new Philosophy Speaker series. The online events are the following: 26.01., 5-7pm: Monique David-Ménard (Paris): “Animism of the owners, animism of the poor. How are we today to read Marx’s texts on Property, 1842“ 23.2., 4-6pm: Slavoj Žižek, Agon Hamza, Frank Ruda (Ljubljana, Tirana, Dundee): Book Presentation of Reading Hegel (Polity 2021), moderated by …

SPA Annual Meeting and AGM – 3rd December 2021

Founded in 1900 as the Scots Philosophical Club, the Scots Philosophical Association (SPA) is the professional association of philosophers in Scotland. Its primary purpose is to promote the study and teaching of philosophy in Scotland. This is achieved through the organization of an annual meeting, the sponsorship of conferences and workshops, the sponsorship of fellowships …

Waco Yokoyama, who graduated with first-class honours in Philosophy and Film in 2019, will be speaking at COP 26

In these times of climate emergency, it is the great pleasure of the Philosophy Programme at Dundee to share details of how one of our graduates is having an impact in rethinking environmental change.  Next week, Waco Yokoyama, who graduated with first-class honours in Philosophy and Film in 2019, will be speaking at COP 26 …

Rethinking the concept of life. A dialogue with non-Western perspectives

Dr Tina Röck , Dr Oisín Keohane Monday, February 28, 2022  Self-Funded PhD Students Only University of Dundee    School of Humanities About the Project We are currently experiencing a resurgence of interest in metaphysical concepts that often remain stuck in Western modes of thinking. In this project we want to investigate the metaphysical concept of life, …

New Book (December 21): ‘Dynamic Realism. Uncovering the Reality of Becoming through Phenomenology and Process Philosophy’ by Tina Röck

About the book: Philosophy has traditionally considered reality as a set of static objects. Tina Röck transcends this understanding to explore the realistic potential of relational and dynamic ontology. These explorations are both complex and problematic as we attempt to reconceptualise being, truth and knowledge as processual. To navigate this thinking, Röck takes a new …

Hsgb Annual Conference 2021: “Hegel Today”

We are pleased to announce that the the line-up for the Hsgb Annual Conference 2021: “Hegel Today” has now been finalised as follows: Monday, 11 Oct. 2021, 5.30-7.00 pm UK time: Robert Pippin (University of Chicago) — “The Phenomenology and the Logic of Life: Heidegger and Hegel” Tuesday, 9 Nov. 2021, 5.30-7.00 pm UK time: …

Speaker series – The Royal Institute of Philosophy University of Dundee

We are pleased to announce The Royal Institute of Philosophy University of Dundee Speaker series. The online events are the following: 06.10., 4-6pm: Geoffrey Bennington (Emory): “Kicking and Screaming” 20.10., 6-8pm: Alberto Toscano (Goldsmith / Simon Fraser University): “Fascism and the Politics of Abstraction” 03.11., 2-4pm: Claire Colebrook (Pennsylvania): tba 17.11., 5-7pm: Todd McGowan (Vermont): …

The Phenomenon of Temporality

We are delighted to announce the online workshop “The Phenomenon of Temporality” organised by Tina Röck (University of Dundee) and Daniel Neumann (University of Klagenfurt). The event will take place on the 16th of September from 13:00 until 18:00 (CET). Participation is free, please register for Zoom link at: daniel.neumann(at) Don’t forget to have a …

Horrible Creatures by Cally Nurse

Cally Nurse is an MFA student in Dundee. Encounters with the Velvet Swimming Crab: What do our feelings of disgust towardsanimals reveal about our attitude to the living world? Touch it, he says. There, in his blue,rubber-gloved hand, is a crab. Its antennae flick tosniff while its rolling red eyes scope its surroundings. Its pinkie-like …