Selling Nietzsche Short (Again)

    by Ashley Woodward Popular culture has already had more than its fair share of misrepresentations of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and his ideas, from the comic book superhero Superman to the‘Nietzscheans’ – a malevolent alien race who care only about power – in Andromeda,another sci-fi series by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. …

Critical Legal Conference Postponement

Dear All, in light of the current Covid-19 situation, we have made the decision to postpone the Critical Legal Conference that was due to be run between the Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy and Law at the University of Dundee in September 2020. The conference will take place in September 2021 instead (same theme, same …

Ugly David

  by Dominic Smith I wasn’t in the habit of noticing it at all: a small rectangular fridge magnet bearing a likeness of the Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume, gifted to me by an eccentric member of the Hume Society many years ago…. It is frankly hideous: Hume’s likeness comes from a bad waxwork, and …

Lorenzo Chiesa – The Feature of an Illusion: a New Reading

We have the pleasure to welcome Dr. Lorenzo Chiesa from Newcastle University who will be speaking about “The Feature of an Illusion: a New Reading”. As usual, do not hesitate to join us for this exciting discussion that will take place Wednesday 18 March 4-6pm in room 1S03 (Art) of the Dalhousie Building at the University of …

Alberto Toscano and Luis De Miranda talks cancelled due to strike

We have to inform you that the talk of Alberto Toscano (Goldsmith University) on “Late Fascism” and the talk of Dr. Luis De Miranda (Orbrero University) on “What is Philosophical Health and How Can we Reach it?” have been cancelled due to strike. “Late Fascism” was supposed to take place on the 4th of March …

Joanna Hodge: Ecotechnics as Political Ontology – The Contemporaneity of Jean-Luc Nancy

On Wednesday the 19th of February 2020 we have the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Joanna Hodge from the Manchester Metropolitan University. Joanna Hodge will be giving a talk on “Ecotechnics as Political Ontology – The Contemporaneity of Jean-Luc Nancy” in room 2F13 of the Dalhousie Building, 4-6pm. Do not hesitate to join us for this exciting discussion. Abstract: Ecotechnics …

Dany Nobus: Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Persistence of Patriarchy in the 21st Century

Within the context of Cooper Gallery’s current exhibition “Ambiguous Becoming: Artists’ Moving Image from Canada”, we are delighted to host a talk by Professor Dany Nobus on “Arresting Masculinity: Anger, Hybridity and the Persistence of Patriarchy in the 21st Century”. The event will take place on the Wednesday 12 February 2020, at Cooper Gallery, from …

Dr Wahida Khandker (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) – Prehensive Unification and Symbiogenesis: From Whitehead to Margulis

Co-presented by Philosophy & the School of Life Sciences University of Dundee 17th December 2019, 3pm in the Sir Kenneth and Lady Noreen Murray Seminar Room, CTIR Alfred North Whitehead gives us some metaphysical insight into the organic interconnectedness of different levels of process, but how does his discussion of the opposition between a ‘blindly …