Friday Tour | Tina Röck

We are delighted to announce that at 12.30 pm on the 29th of April, the Talbot Rice Gallery (the public art gallery of the University of Edinburgh) will be joined by Tina Röck from the Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy in the context of Meet me at the threshold events that ”brings together the first …

CFP – Reimagining AI: Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology – 2022 Special Issue

We are delighted to announce the call for papers for the 2022 Special Issue of the Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology (Routledge). CALL FOR PAPERS:  Reimagining AI  Many important philosophical conceptions have been drastically changed since the consumer computing revolution of the 1980s and 1990. These include metaphysical, epistemological and ethical concerns such as personhood, …

Book Launch – “Dynamic Realism: Uncovering the Reality of Becoming Through Process Phenomenology and Process Philosophy”

Next Wednesday, on the 13th of April (04:00 PM London), The Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy is hosting a book launch for Dynamic Realism: Uncovering the Reality of Becoming Through Process Phenomenology and Process Philosophy, the new book of Tina Röck! There will be a short general presentation and discussion of the book by both …

Conference – ‘Law, Technology, and the Human’

On Friday 8 April, Dominic Smith and Ashley Woodward, from the Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy, will be speaking on a panel at the conference Law, Technology, and the Human (University of Kent). This event and others at the conference (6-8 April) can be freely accessed on line. Register for details:  2:30 – 4pm, …

BICAR Summer School 2022 – Critique and the Desire of Modernity

June 6-17 Barzakh, Beirut The Beirut Institute for Critical Analysis and Research (BICAR) will host its first summer school in Lebanon this June. The summer school is open to international and local students. It is intended as a pedagogical intervention at a catastrophic moment in Lebanon’s history. With economic collapse, severe shortages of fuel, electricity, …

‘Dynamic Realism. Uncovering the Reality of Becoming through Phenomenology and Process Philosophy’ by Tina Röck

About the book: Philosophy has traditionally considered reality as a set of static objects. Tina Röck transcends this understanding to explore the realistic potential of relational and dynamic ontology. These explorations are both complex and problematic as we attempt to reconceptualise being, truth and knowledge as processual. To navigate this thinking, Röck takes a new …

Research Grant: Philosophy International Research Collaboration

We are pleased to announce that the Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy is affiliated with the research project “The Politics of Reason”, which has received a prestigious 4 year Spanish government grant (Convocatoria 2020—Proyectos de I+D+I, Ministry of Science and Innovation). Gavin Rae (University of Madrid), an Associate Member of the SCCP, is Principal Investigator, and Ashley Woodward …

‘Reading Hegel’ by Slavoj Zizek, Frank Ruda and Agon Hamza

Frank Ruda from the Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy is one of the authors of the book Reading Hegel! About the book A spirit is haunting contemporary thought – the spirit of Hegel. All the powers of academia have entered into a holy alliance to exorcize this spirit: Vitalists and Eschatologists, Transcendental Pragmatists and Speculative …